Thursday, March 8, 2012


Dear S4s
I've scheduled a session on WiZiQ to finish up the de-brief for the essay on Lord Capulet. 
If you are keen to attend the real-time session instead of merely waiting to print out the slides from the School Portal and reading it for yourself then do sign up for the class.

Signing up is simple and painless. All you need is:
1. Your name
2. A working email address 
3. A password. 

For the session, I will only be activating audio so you will also need:
  • A headset/earpiece/earphones to follow the session.
The online de-brief session will start at 7pm, local time, tomorrow (Friday, 09 March) and will last for about 60minutes

Please ensure that your parents are aware beforehand that you are attending an online session so that they can give you some time to set up etc.   

You will be able to join the class even when the session is under way. Better late than never. 

If all goes as planned, you will be able to ask me questions (via pm/chat function) and it will appear on everyone's screen. 

Fingers crossed this works!

@GheyKachu aka Hendry of 4BN
for helping me with the trial run!
(Sorry to make you watch the clip!)

See you on WiZiQ! 


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